中国整体芳香疗法论坛== 神秘的芳香疗法 - 自然魔法学苑 ==精油护肤品的品牌大讨论 → JURLIQUE到底能不能护肤?



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等级:粗通皮毛 帖子:144 积分:254 威望:0 精华:2 注册:2003-11-1 13:56:36
JURLIQUE到底能不能护肤?  发帖心情 Post By:2004-3-21 11:53:09 [显示全部帖子]

关于商业精油和类似的话题已经讨论过不止一次了. 它家的花水尽管价格很高,但是配制的,并非天然的纯露,另外,荷荷芭油是精炼而非冷轧.这些在别的精油论坛都有提到. 但单方精油如何呢?我前两天把家里的JURLIQUE单方精油翻出来仔细看了下,外包装盒上说明是这样写的: Adults Only Jurlique Pure Essential Oil are of very high quality, distilled from flowers, leaves, roots and resins and strictly quality controlled to avoid adulteration and dilution. Essential oils should never be used undiluted or taken internally unless prescribed by a professional practitioner. Directions 1. In vaporiser or burner- 5-7 drops (0.3 ml) with water. 2. For bath, steam bath and compress use- 5-7 drops (0.3 ml) 3. As massage oil - add 0.5ml or 10 drops to 15-25 ml vegetable carrier oil. 从说明上看,在用法上除了是1说用于熏香,2是可泡澡,3是明确说明可用与配置按摩油的,按上面提供的比例,浓度是2.5%.因此我认为应该是可以护肤的.
