中国整体芳香疗法论坛== 神秘的芳香疗法 - 自然魔法学苑 ==分享专业芳香产品及其感受讨论 → 我用的精油就是这个样子的



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等级:初学乍练 帖子:27 积分:71 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2003-6-26 12:55:57
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-7-3 0:44:56 [显示全部帖子]

Heard that essential oil shouldn't be stored in the refrigerator cuz the (low) temp. will destroy some of the important elements in the oil. Btw what are the brands of your essential oils ? Have you ordered from Oshadhi ? New Directions ? Jurlique ? Audrey Lane ? Sun Spirit ?
